Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Parents Are Cooler Than I Am

My parents are cooler than I am. They greet half the store when they grocery shop. They have more friends on Facebook than I. They host weekly dinner parties. They attend the finest concerts in town without ever buying tickets. They wear back stage passes and meet the stars. They do the twist with Chubby Checker and joke with the Smothers Brothers. They photograph Paul McCartney while he plays live on Letterman. They just bought each other kayaks. My dad paints in his studio and plays ping pong with poets. My mom bakes deserts and auditions for the Amazing Race. They will spend the summer playing with their grand children, drinking margaritas on their shaded patio, paddling around lakes, and planning their next adventure. My parents are cooler than I am and it ain't even close.


  1. Thanks Trav but you are pretty cool too. And you can come kayaking any time you want. I guess life is for getting out there and enjoying it the way you like best.

  2. hey Travis,
    enjoying your blogspot, had no idea you enjoyed writing so much- and you're pretty darn good at it! Lew turned me on to your site and I'm going to read more, I just had to read this "cooler parents" blurb and that was quite a tribute.
    Anyway, I've bookmarked you, will check you out on your future postings.
    Just for fun I leave you with my addy- same sponsor:

  3. Thanks Craig, I just learned I enjoy writing as well. I've been keeping an eye on Cattywampus, as well as the two poetry blogs you follow. They are a bit intimidating for an amateur but I'm open to learning. I admire your rhythm and your eye for life. I'm a big fan.
