Saturday, February 2, 2013

Emigrant Lake - Ashland, OR

Emigrant Lake is a ten minute drive from downtown Ashland.  Locals treat it like a source of embarrassment - mocking the reservoir for its dirt shores and tacky water park.  I heard someone say something nice about Emigrant Lake regards to tearing it apart on a wakeboard at 40 mph.

For the record, there is plenty of beauty to be found at Emigrant Lake...


  1. you sure get around..great pics, love the road!
    wish you were here for the game(s). i'm beating kyle tomorrow, bought a regulation net, no sloppy net balls. love you, enjoy the game!

  2. this is just phenomenal work... very atmospheric.... like Lew, love the road, but also love the subtle colors on the far hills.... keep 'em coming!
    (sorry we'll miss you for the Super Baugh)

  3. *you mean the Super Bro?

    good to hear about the new net. working on my dream paddle - carved from the stump of an ancient redwood and plated with a rhinoceros horn handle.

  4. ha, nice. he's in trouble without those favorable off-the-net shots.

  5. 1 in 3?! 1 in 33 is more like it.

  6. more like 1-333, but who's counting?

  7. wha' happen, this blog become the site for pong trashtalk?
    (that 3d shot from the top- purple reflections- you should get that one blownup & framed)

  8. 'Scuse me, the SECOND shot from the top- and that yellow striping down the road- very experimental, and it WORKS!
