Monday, December 5, 2011

Winter Backpacking in the Russian Wilderness


  1. where the heck is the Russian Wilderness? (I hope you don't mean Siberia...) Susan made an appointment with the shrink when I told her my phantasy is ride my bike across Russia (but I'd bring plenty of vodka)

  2. In Northern CA's Klamath National Forest, Siskiyou County, next to the Marble Mountains. Largest concentration of conifer species in the world. Highest elevation: 8,200 feet. Brrrrr is right!

    My phantasy: trade in my car for a Harley, hog down to Oaxaca Mexico, refueling at biker bars and cheap diners.

  3. you're the one who needs a shrink, not moi

  4. i could see it. no cheap diners, tin & cardboard lean twos, a pot of frijoles, tortillas warming on a flat stone, chicken parts simmering on a makeshift grill, generator whirring, keeping your modelo chilled. little girl in ared dress with dark brown braids, sneaking a peek behind her full figured mama scooping a ladle of beans to spread on your tortilla. in cowboy hats sitting on a bench,under thhe only shade, smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. a chicken and 3 dogs.

  5. now you're talk'n. keep writing! keep sharing!
