Sunday, August 7, 2011

Urban Hunting

Last month, Jackson County voted to lift its ban on urban deer hunting.  Local parents, retirees, and vegetarians have been outraged.  I, too, find myself walking on egg shells - Ashland has quickly morphed into a war zone.  Gunshots ring out at all hours.  I see residents walking their dogs, a leash in one hand, a shotgun resting on the opposite shoulder.    I see old men in rocking chairs and camouflage, patiently waiting.  Bi-Mart has enjoyed a sudden increase in their rifle, wrist-rocket, crossbow, head lamp and power saw sales.  Neighborhoods smell of roasted venison, gun powder and beer.  The local taxidermist sold his trailer and bought a home.  The Daily Tidings now prints, on Sundays, photographs of the weeks biggest kill.  The honor went to a high school student the first week, a retired police officer the next and a seamstress the following - each proudly lifting a large rack of antlers for the photographer.  This morning, I sat in my car, patiently waiting for a buck to cross.  He hobbled across the street, a single arrow protruding from his ass.


  1. i just got an idea for yout birthday present. bow or rifle..hmmmm

  2. I think a bow would be better for the urban environment. You wouldn't want to wake up the neighbors as you took down a buck that was standing next to their Prius.

  3. Nah. I want to be a sling-shot legend.
