Monday, October 1, 2012

Moonrise/Sunset Atop Grizzly Peak - Ashland OR


  1. wow..incredible pictures .. vibrant color contrasts great depth..just awesome!

  2. stunningly beautiful!
    light is so amazing, and you've captured some of its moods

  3. thanks! i have you to thank - great suggestion. went from having the blues to feeling on top of the world, happily snapping photos of october light. long shadows, a setting sun on one side and a rising full moon on the other. vies of shasta, pilot rock, and emigrant lake. got so carried away that it was dark by the time i left. jogged down in the dark, past a couple holding lanterns and walking sticks on their way up the mountain - they must have been in their mid eighties. they cheerfully explained that they were on their way to the top to enjoy the full moon and watch the stars together.

  4. wishing for you to soon be be with your special someone to share the full moon with.
